Save the bees: Why World Bee Day matters

Giornata mondiale delle api

Save the bees: Why World Bee Day matters

Bees are extraordinary creatures that play a crucial role in our ecosystem and food chain. They are responsible for pollinating around a third of the world's crops, making them a vital part of our food production system. However, the global bee population is declining at an alarming rate, which poses a serious threat to our food security. That's why World Bee Day , celebrated every year on May 20 , is so important. It is a day to raise awareness of the importance of bees and promote efforts to protect and conserve them. In this article we will explore why bees are so important, the challenges they face and what we can do to help save them.

So whether you're a nature lover, a foodie or simply concerned about the environment, read on to find out why World Bee Day matters and how you can make a difference.

The importance of bees in our ecosystem

Bees play a crucial role in fertilizing plants, making them essential to our ecosystem and our food production. Without them, we wouldn't have fruits, vegetables or nuts. Bees are also important for the production of honey , which is a natural and healthy food. Furthermore, bees play an important role in biodiversity , as they help keep ecosystems balanced.

Because bees are decreasing in number

Unfortunately, bees are disappearing at an alarming rate. There are many reasons for this decline, including pesticide use, habitat loss, disease and parasites. Widespread use of pesticides is particularly harmful to bees, as it can kill them or damage their immune systems, making them more vulnerable to disease.

The impact of declining bee populations

Decreasing bee populations have a significant impact on our food security. Without bees, many foods would not be available or would be more expensive. Additionally, declining bee populations can have a negative impact on biodiversity, as many plants and animals rely on bees for fertilization. Declining bee populations can also impact the economy, as many businesses depend on bees to produce honey and other products.

How to help save bees

Fortunately, there are many things we can do to help save bees. The first thing to do is plant plants that promote fertilization, such as flowers, herbaceous plants and fruit trees. This way, bees will have a wider choice of food sources and a greater chance of survival. It is also important to reduce the use of pesticides and other chemicals that can harm bees. Additionally, you can support local honey producers and purchase products from apiaries that use sustainable practices.

Examples of successful bee conservation initiatives

There are many successful bee conservation initiatives around the world. For example, urban beekeeping is becoming increasingly popular and can be an effective way to protect bees and promote biodiversity in urban areas. Additionally, many organizations are working to create safe habitats for bees and raise awareness about the importance of bees.

World Bee Day events and activities

World Bee Day is a day to celebrate bees and promote their conservation. Around the world, there are events and activities to raise awareness of the importance of bees and promote efforts to protect them. There are also many resources online to help people learn more about bees and how they can help save them.

Bee-friendly products and where to find them

There are many bee-friendly products available on the market, such as organic honey and candles made from natural beeswax. It is important to choose products that have been produced sustainably and do not harm bees or their natural environment. There are many companies that make bee-friendly products, so it's easy to find products that are healthy for bees and the environment. We at Shockino have chosen to collaborate with a beekeeper in Molise . We combined wildflower mountain honey with Giffoni hazelnut paste and created a Honey and Hazelnut spreadable cream characterized by an authentic and genuine taste, without added sugars. You can purchase it on our website, knowing that in addition to the taste experience you will be helping the honey production chain.

Honey and hazelnut spreadable cream

Call to action to save the bees

Bees are essential to our ecosystem and our food security. However, their population is declining at an alarming rate, which poses a grave threat to our future. World Bee Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of bees and to promote efforts to protect and conserve them. There are many organizations working to protect bees and promote their conservation. These organizations focus on issues such as protecting bee habitat, reducing pesticide use, and raising awareness of the importance of bees. Supporting these organizations is an effective way to contribute to the protection of bees and biodiversity.


So whether you're an experienced beekeeper or a beginner, consider doing your part to protect bees and promote their conservation.

Cover photo by Thijs van der Weide
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